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PhoneMaster has many built-in features that make it easier to use than any other administration tool for Meridians. Here's just a sample of some of PhoneMaster's features that put it ahead of the others:

Undo Changes - All changes made to a telephone are saved in a history table. A previous configuration can be viewed by clicking on the relevant date from the Last Change listbox on the View/Modify Telephone window. The telephones can then be stored to that configuration by clicking the save button.
Recover Deleted Telephones - The undo feature on the View/Modify Telephone window can be used to restore telephones which have been previously deleted.


Spare Directory Numbers - PhoneMaster will search the database for unused directory numbers - you just specify what number you want to start the search from, the number of digits you want and how many spare numbers you want.
Drag and Drop - Once the search is completed, you can drag any number from the spare directory number list and drop it onto the directory number box.


Feature Underlines - When making changes to the configuration of a telephone, features become underlined if they are different from the current configuration. This makes it easy to see at a glance which features have been changed.
Previous Configurations - When viewing previous telephone configurations, you can easily see which features differed from the current configuration by the feature underlines.


| Introduction | Telephones | Maintenance | Group Changes | Making It Easy | Lists | Schedules |
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