CallBill by Phoneware
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Option 1:
All Modules On The Same PC

In this configuration, all of the CallBill modules are installed on a single dedicated PC. Because all of the modules are on the same PC, there is no requirement for the PC to be connected to a network, unless reports need to be saved on the network instead of on the CallBill PC. The PC needs access to an email account if scheduled reports are to be emailed to recipients.

All Modules on the same PC

All Modules On The Same PC


Option 2: Logger Module On A Separate PC

In this configuration, the Logger Module is installed on a dedicated PC and the Record Processor Module and Reports Module are installed on a separate PC. The Record Processor Module needs access to the Logger Module, either by dial-up connection or via a network.

Logger Module On A Separate PC

Network Connection

Dial-up Connection

With Network Connection With Dial-Up Connection


Option 3:
Logger Module And Record Processor Module On The Same PC

In this configuration, the Logger Module and the Record Processor Module are installed on the same PC and the Reports Module client or clients are installed on separate PCs. The Reports Module clients need access to the CallBill databases across a network.

Logger Module and Record Processor


Option 4:
All Modules On Separate PCs

In this configuration, all of the CallBill modules are installed on separate PCs. The Record Processor Module needs access to the Logger Module, either by dial-up connection or via a network.. The Reports Module clients need access to the CallBill databases across a network.

Modules on separate PC's

Multi-Site Configuration

In a multi-site configuration, the Logger Module is installed on a dedicated PC at each site. The Record Processor Module needs access to each of the Logger Modules, either by dial-up connection or via a network. The Reports Module clients need access to the CallBill databases across a network.

Multi-Site Configuration



Logger Module | Record Processor Module | Reports Module | Report Design Module | Minimum Specifications