CallBill by Phoneware
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Record Processor Module Icon.gif (1227 bytes)RECORD PROCESSOR MODULE
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The Record Processor Module is responsible for retrieving call records from the Logger Module and storing these call records in a CallBill site database. The cost of each call is calculated during processing and is based on tariffs applicable to the site from which the records were retrieved. The Record Processor can be configured to periodically retrieve call records from multiple sites.

Database Technology

CallBill uses Microsoft SQL ServerŪ database technology to store call records, delivering the performance, scalability and reliability that you would expect from a top quality database solution. CallBill also offers the option of storing records in a Microsoft Jet Engine database for sites where the daily volume of call records is low.

Exception Alert

The Record Processor Module allows you to configure exception criteria for each site. If a call record reaches an exception criterion during processing, an Exception Alert notification is sent according to the Exception Profile associated with the exception. For example, an exception criterion might be set for calls which exceed a certain cost, and if a call cost exceeds the specified cost during processing of call records, then an exception alert is sent. Exception Profiles allow Exception Alerts to be sent by email, SMS mobile telephone text messages, or by pager. Other exception criterion fields available include Digits Dialed, Date/Time of Call, Originating Extension, Terminating Extension.

Call Cost Exception

Post-Processing Of Call Records

Competition between telecommunications carriers has resulted in a culture of ever-changing call charges and tariffs. System Administrators cannot always get the latest tariff information before it becomes active and this results in inaccurate calculation of call charges. To counter this, CallBill allows you to post-process call records once the tariff information has been updated.

Telephone System Port Test

The connection from the Logger Module to the telephone system can be tested remotely from the Record Processor Module to ensure that it is still active. This is particularly useful when the system administrator receives an Exception Alert indicating that an Inactivity Timeout Period has been exceeded at a site. In multi-site installations, this feature enables the system administrator to perform Port Tests on remote sites from one central location.

Log File

The Record Processor Module maintains a log file of all file transfers and call record processing, and any problems encountered during file transfer or record processing can be easily identified.

Backup And Recovery

Once the Record Processor Module has retrieved call record files and processed them, the transfer files are archived and can later be used to recreate parts or all of a CallBill site database if required. The transfer files are also archived on the Logger Module PC, and this provides a separate backup/recovery source where the Logger Module and Record Processor Module are on separate PCs.


Logger Module | Reports Module | Report Design Module | Minimum Specifications | Configuration Options